Times Square and 42nd Street in Vintage Postcards

Chapter V

Institutions of Manhattan Island and Westchester Co.

The New York Ophthalmic Hospital
(Corner Twenty-Third Street And Third Avenue.)

THE New York Ophthalmic Hospital was incorporated April 21st, 1852, and was opened for the treatment of patients May 25th of the same year. It was founded chiefly by Mark Stephenson, and was first opened at No. 6 Stuyvesant square. The institution was conducted by a corps of physicians of the Allopathic practice until the year 1867, when at the instigation of certain interested parties a revolution in its management was produced. At the annual election of the board of directors of that year, seventeen of the nineteen elected were inclined to the practice of Homeopathy, and they immediately appointed a board of surgeons of that school to take charge of the Hospital. During the four and a half years since the introduction of Homeopathic practice, over five thousand' patients have been treated, and the number now amounts to about fifteen hundred per annum.

The Institution has been for many years at the corner of Fourth avenue and Twenty-eighth street, in a leased building but after much exertion the managers have succeeded in raising funds, and are now erecting a fine structure of their own, situated corner Twenty-third street and Third avenue, at a cost of nearly $100,000. With the entrance of the society into this improved edifice, affording ample accommodations for in-door patients, will doubtless come a greatly enlarged business, allowing the public to choose between the two methods of medical treatment.


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from a private collection of vintage books & magazines.
Reproduction of these pages is prohibited without written permission. © Laurel O’Donnell, 1996-2006.